From Despair to Praise PowerPoint
So cool - check out the images - three very distinct options are included in this one powerful PowerPoint. The image of a man in deep despair then two different rejoicing praise images - you will be able to use this one PowerPoint over and over again.
You will receive:
- An easy-to-use church PowerPoint with a gorgeous image.
- 3 different designs/layout options.
- Long-lasting value - yours to use over and over again - forever.
- The lyrics and text are very easy to read.
- The stunning, contemporary image will deepen the worship experience and resonate with today's believers.
- Instant and safe download directly from Envision Worship.
- Professionally designed with fonts & text box options included yet fully adaptable.
- Envision Worship slide designers also do the weekly worship slides at their own churches - we understand what you need.
- Satisfaction guaranteed.
Church PowerPoint Design Tip: It really deepens the worship experience when you use two or more slides during the song - in hymns, and especially, in contemporary church songs. Our designer, Lisa, also designs the PowerPoint for her church's weekly worship service. Lisa often uses this PowerPoint to move and build the songs.
Here is an example of how you can build worship by using different designs in one song or hymn. We are using the example of the amazing worship song Blessed Be Your Name by Beth Redman & Matt Redman (© 2002 Thankyou Music CCLI Song # 3798438):