"Good enough for church?"

I always cringe when someone says “Good enough for government work.” Sidestepping any political discussion - the saying bugs me. Yet I sometimes hear that philosophy creep onto church screens. Don’t let “good enough for church” be the slogan for your screens.

I totally get it. I've been designing the weekly worship screens at my church for the last nine years. I know you’re busy. Your life is incredibly busy. Designing the worship screens is just one small part of your life. I agree and I thank you for stepping up. 

The only thing is – the screens are a huge part of the worship experience. We wouldn’t dream of scrimping on the sermon or the music – they are key elements to the worship service. Don’t scrimp on the screens. Start with prayer – invite the Holy Spirit to be apart of the design process. Choose quality images that make sense with the lyrics. Break the lyrics across the slides in a way that makes the song easy to sing. Double-check the spelling of the lyrics. Simply doing these three things will make a huge difference.  

And if you just don't have time to do it yourself - let us help you. Use Envision Worship PowerPoints they will create an amazing worship experience.

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