Autumn Church PowerPoint Presentations Envision Worship

How to Re-Energize Worship in the Fall

Summer is over, the kids are heading back to school, people are home from vacations. Autumn is the perfect time to re-energize worship by putting new colors and themes on your church screens. 

The screens at your church set the tone for worship and are one of the first things people see when they walk into church. When we change the images with the seasons we stay current in our members lives.  We let them know that God walks with us in every season.

If you need some inspiration check out our Fall Colors Collection or take your camera for a walk and see what you find.

For the Pastors out there: You all know me as the designer for Envision Worship. What you might not know, is that professionally, I have also been the Outreach point person for 4 different churches (a PCUSA church, a United Church of Christ church and two Episcopal churches). I love doing outreach and I see the church screens as an integral part of welcoming all to your church (more about that in future posts).

We all know that many hands make light work. Kick starting your Fall should be a multi-faceted approach. Here are a few ideas you could suggest to different committees at your church:

  • Christian Ed blessing backpacks and diaper bags during worship. Giving the kids and new parents a 'luggage tag' with a positive Bible verse and the church's logo and website on it.
  • Hospitality Committee serving Autumn treats at coffee hour (i.e. pumpkin flavored donut holes - yum!)
  • The Outreach Committee creating a free, fun event for Halloween.
  • The Adult Education Committee offering a class centering on gratitude and giving thanks Bible verses.
  • The Mission Committee doing a backpack or school supply mission project for local children.

I know, I know – Lisa go back to the screens! Well, it’s something fun to think about. Since Outreach is one of my gifts I'll occasionally be including outreach ideas in these blog posts.

Have you seen our newest Cross Church PowerPoint presentation? I was on vacation at Lake Tahoe and got to experience the most amazing sunset. It was so surprising and absolutely gorgeous. God is always with us.

Thankfully I had my camera with me and so now we can all have it on our screens. Blessings, Lisa





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