Joy in the Morning!
Joy in the morning – this phrase keeps circling in my mind. Last week I had a tough design week. We had a new song with huge themes i.e. communicate the power of God to transform lives. I have many tried and true ones (lol just see my website) but I wanted something new.
So I went hunting and was struggling to find what I could picture in my mind. I just wasn’t finding anything good. So I stopped and prayed. Asking Jesus to help me find something that would serve His people and deepen worship. Finally, I found something that worked but I still felt uneasy. On top of that, I spent a lot more time designing than I had planned to and was scrambling to meet all my other commitments. I ended the week feeling tired and stressed. But Sunday morning took me by surprise.
Someone else was doing the screen tech and I got to worship. When the church started to sing the new song, I was filled with such joy. It was perfect. The image captured the power of the lyrics which spoke of Christ’s power to transform lives – and the screens – I just had to remember to invite Him into the designing process. I hope this coming week you’ll discover joy in the morning.