Seeing God

Seeing God

My Pastor likes to start church meetings with the question: "Where have you seen God this week?" This past month I have seen God in so many of you. Churches who are meeting their people where they are - isolated in their homes but not alone.

Pastors, staff and volunteers are getting very creative and being willing to try new things. So many churches are trying screens for the first time. They are creating wonderful online worship experiences. I am so impressed. One amazing church is doing their songs in the Mohawk language so their congregation can sing to God in their true language.

Another church opened a Pay As You Can Store. For the last few months, the whole congregation sought out gift donations and refurbished gently used bikes and toys. Amazing stories of God's grace unfolded in that church all week. My favorite was the unemployed carpenter who was able to fulfill his dream of getting bikes for his five children. He was so moved by this unexpected gift. The love continued to be spread as the net proceeds from the store were used to provide Christmas gifts to Foster teens. 

Another church created a safe drive-thru Living Nativity. This suburban church was able to come up with a donkey, sheep and alpaca (?!) as well as a cast to create the Jesus' entire birth story from Emperor Augustus to the Three Wise Ones. It was interactive - from a safe distance - the actors told their stories. I was able to experience the drive thru. My favorite character was the compassionate Innkeeper - who told us he was so sorry but he had no more room for our family at the Inn and then shared his concern for the young family he had just put in his stable. Over 300 families experienced this marvelous Nativity.

These are just a handful of examples. The lives you are touching will never forget how you met them where they are and walked with them. Thank you for being God's light in dark times.

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